Wellbeing and Involvement

It takes all kinds to make up a community and whether you enjoy spending time with others or prefer more solitary activities, you’ll find your place at Marian Villa.

The range of optional activities, mostly arranged and managed by residents, contribute to the social, spiritual and mental well-being of all, but ultimately you choose whether or not to join in.

Residents are also a vital link in the day-to-day running of the village helping with maintenance, assisting with upholstering,  fundraising, writing and creating the monthly newsletter, etc.


Our beautiful gardens are managed by a team of residents, (and they always have room for one more).


Regular trips to local shopping malls are provided using the Village Bus.

Outdoor Activities:

  • a daily suburban walk (2km)
  • cycling
  • putting on the lawn
  • croquet
  • a monthly braai
  • the 5 pm social club under the cottage trees
  • exercise classes

Indoor Activities:

  • chair aerobics (indoor)
  • a craft circle: handiworks such as knitting and crocheting (Buzzy Bees)
  • music appreciation
  • Bible study

Social Gatherings:

Social gatherings and activities take place at The Centre and include:

  • games evenings
  • film evenings

Our Monthly Braais usually take place outside under the trees.


The Centre is home to the library, which includes a DVD collection and large print books.

The Municipal Library visits twice a month.


Our chapel reflects our history in that many decades ago Marian Villa was a convent. The beautiful stained-glass windowed chapel holds services for all denominations. Residents also make use of it as a quiet prayer space

Other Services:

Residents also have access to:

  • a hairdresser visiting twice a week
  • a bus service to surrounding malls and for medical appointments
  • an onsite clinic for dressing changes, blood pressure and medication checks etc.
  • a pedicurist who assists with cutting nails

Respite Care: 

Each resident qualifies for seven days of respite care in our frail care residence, per annum at no charge, with a daily fee applying thereafter. Respite care describes a short, but intense period of care or confinement that may follow an illness or medical procedure.